Poetic Justice for nuclear power
We like creative, clever people at Public Citizen and so it is with pleasure we publish the below, written by our intern Emily Kleiman, who took our #Poetweet challenge and her knowledge of nuclear policy to the next level. Enjoy!
What could be better, after nuclear disaster in Japan
Than building MORE nuclear plants according to Obama’s plan?
With cities abandoned and the whole world empathizing and in mourning
The government should take this tragedy as a warning.
Though it’s touted as clean energy by those “in the know”
The safety risks involved make others shout “Oh no!”
If a nuclear failure in the United States should occur,
According to the response outline, government agencies would be unsure.
Similar disorganization and failure to respond after the BP Oil Spill last year
Could strike again, but that’s the least of my fear
If you’re within 10 miles from a plant that has failed
Then your air has been poisoned, so surely you’re ailed.
Within 50 miles? Stop eating your cereal.
Chances are your food and water are retaining radioactive material.
And no matter where you are across the nation
Wind could spread these particles to any destination.
So speak out against a nuclear plant expansion attempt.
Because guess what? Solar and wind energy are more accessible than you dreamt!
Feel inspired? Then ACT! Join Emily and others in telling President Obama to put an end to nuclear loan guarantees and focus on other energy alternatives.