There’s battle lines being drawn
While grassroots activism helped keep the nuclear power loan guarantees out of the energy and farm bills late last year, the battle will likely be fought all over again this year, writes Huffington Post blogger and anti-Nuclear activist Harvey Wasserman.
Sen. Pete Domenici (D-NM), who is carrying the water for the nuclear power industry, was able to attach the loan guarantees to the appropriations bill, though as Wasserman writes, “the legislative standing and ultimate outcome for the loan guarantees is murky at best, with legal and procedural experts still debating over what exactly has been done.”
Wasserman says the No Nukes coalition that banded together last year to fight the loan guarantees could prove to be a watershed moment of sorts.
Indeed, if this tuneful victory over Pete Domenici’s single-sentence insertion into the Energy Bill of 2007 holds through the end of 2008, it may someday be remembered as a landmark step toward a green-powered Earth.
Here’s the music video that helped rally the troops.