BP's lawyers edited "independent" disaster investigation before releasing it
Sometimes when we can’t think of things to blog about we just turn to the Google and look to see what trouble those crazy guys at BP are up to. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Spencer Swartz in the Wall Street Journal reveals that BP’s supposedly “independent” internal investigation of what caused the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico (that report released this week that put a lot of blame on Transocean and Haliburton) was vetted by BP’s lawyers before it was released to the public. Swartz writes:
The disclosure raises questions about the extent of the independence of BP’s report, which was released Wednesday and assigned much of the blame for the accident to BP’s contractors, Transocean Ltd. and Halliburton Co. The U.K. oil giant has said its four-month investigation on the causes of the accident, which killed 11 workers, was carried out without interference from senior management.