This Week in the Halls of Power: Nixon testimony unsealed, activist house parties, ethics rules post-Abramoff scandal and more
We’ve got a busy week coming up here at Public Citizen with lots of ways that activists can get involved.
We’ll get a recap from yesterday’s very successful protest on the Keystone XL pipeline, in which so many activists showed up that they could encircle the White House. Allison Fisher, the outreach director of Public Citizen’s Energy Program, will give us the rundown.
Also over the weekend, disgraced-lobbyist-turned-pizza-shop-accountant Jack Abramoff shared with CBS’ “60 Minutes” about the tactics he used to buy the loyalty of members of Congress — and get legislation for his clients. It’s appalling. Public Citizen’s congressional ethics guru, Craig Holman, will tell us about the ethics rules enacted in the wake of Abramoff’s scandal and Public Citizen’s role in crafting them.
Ah, now where you get involved: Public Citizen and partner organizations will be working with activists nationwide Wednesday night at house parties to plan for action related to the two-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision. U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will join the approximately 200 house parties by phone and webcast. It’s not too late to participate. Find a house party in your area, and learn more about Public Citizen’s Democracy Is For People campaign. Can’t make it Wednesday night? Fret not. We’ll have a video posted of the event by the end of the week.
On Thursday, the content of former President Richard Nixon’s grand jury testimony on the Watergate investigation is set to be made public, all thanks to the legal work of Public Citizen. Talk about a remarkable moment in history!
Stay tuned for all this and more from your busy friends here at Public Citizen.