"The temple of humanity is the earth itself"
Today marked the three month anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. As a way of remembering those who lost their lives and pushing for an end to fossil fuels and dirty energy, Public Citizen gathered along side other environmental, faith, and activist groups in a rally by the Capitol. The event brought speakers from Greenpeace, Public Citizen, the Gulf itself, and an array of faith groups who all spoke of our need to end our fossil fuel addiction. The above quote, from Arthur Waskow of the Shalom Center, offered a unique spiritual insight into the state of our planet and the complexity of the situation in which we currently find ourselves.

Also part of today’s “day of action” was a visit to the House and Senate to target key members of congress who have accepted large donations from oil spills, notably BP, in their last two campaign cycles. Today’s events are part of a broader month long series of events aimed at getting oil money out of congress; it has become increasingly clear that these dollars have profound impact on limiting climate and energy legislation, therefore we must work hard to get them out of our politics.
Thank you to all who were able to attend this event, it was a great success. We now ask you to help us move forward as we continue our pursuit for a clean energy economy .

Austin Ditz is an intern in the Energy Program