Join Us Today at the Medicare-For-All March!
Americans are gathering today in Washington D.C. and across the nation to demand Medicare-for-All. From California to Florida and Alaska to Hawaii, folks like you and me are rallying to push for change. With more than 50 rallies and marches across over 20 states, July 24th will be an important day for grassroots momentum toward a single-payer, Medicare-for-All system.
This movement is truly growing from real people; Bev Cowling, a progressive activist and retired letter career, and Dr. Michael Rushnak, a retired physician, came together after years of activism to plan this week’s Medicare-for-All March. Bev’s passion for making sure that every American has access to health care was sparked by the medical challenges her daughter and son have faced under our fragmented health care system. Michael, a cancer survivor, wants all Americans to be able to have access to great health care, like the kind that saved his life. Both believe that health care is a human right and that Americans must stand up and demand Medicare-for-All.
At its most basic, a single-payer Medicare-for-All system would automatically enroll all Americans at birth. They would be able to access high-quality care with little or no out-of-pocket expenses. Doctors would be able to focus on the well-being of their patients, instead of on corporate bottom lines.
Americans understand that our deeply fragmented system doesn’t serve their best interests and doesn’t put them first, and that’s why the people power around this issue is growing. This extends from the drug companies only searching for ways to increase profit, while ignoring diseases that need cures now, to insurance companies who profit from denying Americans the care they need.
As we approach the anniversary of the passage of Medicare on July 30, we will continue discussing Medicare-for-All and the momentum for it with a series of blogs. Join us this Wednesday for the next in the series.
The time has come for improved Medicare-for-All. We hope you can join us in Washington D.C. or at one of the events around the country. See for events in your area!
Image courtesy United Workers/Flickr/CC BY 2.0