Not a lot of bright ideas coming out of the House of Representatives these days . . .
I was stunned last week when I got word of the House plans to vote on a bill that would undo energy efficiency standards for light bulbs.
When I asked Public Citizen’s energy director about the Republican sponsored H.R. 2417 he had this to say:
Not a bright idea to repeal laws requiring innovation and efficiencies that save households money.
Agreed. Now the question is why is such a bill getting this much attention given the fact that it will most certainly die in the Senate and is a repeal of a measure that was passed by Republicans and signed into law by George W. Bush in 2007? While we will not speculate about motives a clear pattern is emerging. From the lies of L.A.R.A., to the abhorrent attack on consumer product safety legislation that took place last week– the House seems deadset on hitting the rewind button on progress.