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As environmental crisis reaches land, BP still not punished

It has started. Thick, sludge-like oil from the BP spill has hit the shore of Louisiana marshlands, pictured above, all but ensuring this will be an environmental catastrophe.

NASA also released a photo today that shows a “massive column of oil extending out Southeast towards the open ocean.” This image will likely change the estimated extent of the spill and damage.

If that weren’t bad enough, meteorologists now say that the oil has spread enough for the Loop Current to drag it through the Florida Keys, where tar balls (sticky clumps of decayed oil) have turned up in the past few days.

Treehugger posted a powerful video, “The Gulf Bleeding,” in which environmentalist John Wathen said, “For the first time in my environmental career, I find myself using the word hopeless.”

And through this environmental disaster, finger pointing continues but no punishments have been implemented. But we can take action. We can use our power as consumers to boycott the oil company responsible for the rig that caused the spill, BP — the oil company with the worst safety record in the country. Together, we can hold BP accountable.

Join Public Citizen in its campaign, 1,000,000 Strong to Boycott BP. Sign a petition letting BP know that their actions are inexusable and we won’t stand for it. We already have more than 9,500 signatures. Add yours now.