Public Citizen’s analyses
- Public Citizen in the Hardvard Human Rights Journal: Freeing Trade at the Expense of Local Crop Markets?: A Look at the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s new Plant-Related Intellectual Property Rights from a Human Rights Perspective
- Public Citizen in the Yale Journal of International law: what Is Patentable Under the Trans-Pacific Partnership? (full article)
- Investor-State Attacks on Public Interest Policies: Acces to Medicines; ISDA: Enforcer for Big Pharma Wish List: Health at Stake
- Public Citizen Analyses of the October 2014 Trans-Pacific Partnership Intellectual Property Chapter Released by WikiLeaks
- Comparative Table of Data Exclusivity Provisions in the U.S. Free Trade Agreements and the U.S. Proposal to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement En español
Comparative Table of Patent Linkage Provisions in U.S. Free Trade Agreements and the U.S. Proposal to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement
En español
- Dangers for Access to Medicines in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Fact Sheets
Brunei | Malaysia | New Zealand
Canada | Vietnam | Peru
General 1-pager | en Español | in Chinese
- Dangers for Access to Medicines in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Comparative Analyses of the U.S. IP proposal to the Trans-Pacific FTA and existing laws in TPP countries
Australia | Malaysia | Peru | Vietnam
Chile | Brunei | New Zealand
- Comparative Chart of Pharmaceutical Patent and Data Provisions in the TRIPS Agreement, Free Trade Agreements between Trans-Pacific FTA Negotiating Countries and the U.S. and the U.S. Proposal to the Trans-Pacific FTA (December 2011)
Chart with NAFTA provisions
- Public Citizen Memo: Leaked New Zealand Paper Challenges Past U.S. FTA Models in Trans-Pacific Trade Negotiations, Access to Medicines at Stake (December, 2010)
Joint analyses
Risks of the Trans-Pacific FTA for Access to Medicines: Analysis of the Leaked U.S. Paper on Eliminating Pre-Grant Opposition, Public Citizen; Health Global Access Project; Initiative for Medicines, Access & Knowledge; Third World Network (July 2011)
Civil Society Comments on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreeement, MSF, HAI-Global, Health GAP, KEI, National Legislative Association on Prescription Drug Prices, Oxfam America, Public Citizen, UAEM (May 2011) (link to
Further analyses
- MSF Issue Briefing 2013: Trading Away Health: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
- Leaked TPP Investment Chapter Presents a Grave Threat to Access to Medicines, Baker, Northeastern University School of Law and Health Global Access Project
Leesburg Presentation Format
- U.S. Trade-Enhancing Access to Medicines (Access Window) in its proposed TPP IP text is a sham, Baker, Northeastern University School of Law and Health Global Access Project (October, 2011) (link to
- Oxfam America Analysis of the USTR Trade Enhancing Access to Medicines (TEAM) White Paper, Oxfam America
- Oxfam Analysis of U.S. Proposals for IP and Pharmaceutical Pricing Provisions in Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Negotiations, Oxfam America
- Comments for the Record to the Subcommittee on Trade of the Committee on Ways and Means–Hearing on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), Knowledge Ecology International (link to
- Public Interest Analysis of the U.S. TPP Proposal for an IP Chapter, American University Washington College of Law Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP), et al. (December 2011) (link to
- How the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Threatens Access to Medicines, Médecins Sans Frontières (September, 2011) (link to
Analyses of Trans-Pacific FTA and A2M Archive
Leaked Trade Negotiation Documents
Wikileaks publishes complete IP chapter, October 2015
Wikileaks publishes Annex on Transparency and Procedural Fairness for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices, June 2015
Wikileaks publishes complete IP chapter, October 2014
Wikileaks publishes complete IP chapter, November 2013
US Documents
Leaked TPP text on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions (links to August, 2012
Leaked US Proposed Investment Chapter (Links to June, 2012
Leaked US Proposed TBT Annexes on Medical Devices, Pharmaceutical Products and Cosmetic Products (links to, October, 2011
Leaked US Proposed Transparency Text (links to, October, 2011
Leaked US Proposed IP Text (links to, October, 2011
Leaked US Trans-Pacific FTA Paper on Eliminating Pre-Grant Opposition, July, 2011
Leaked US Proposed IP Text (links to, February, 2011
New Zealand Documents
Leaked Proposed Intellectual Property Text, February, 2011
Leaked Paper submitted by New Zealand on IP Proposal, December, 2010
Chile Documents
Leaked Preliminary Intellectual Property Proposals, February, 2011
Regulatory Coherence
Leaked Regulatory Coherence Text (links to, October, 2011
Follow Public Citizen’s Global Access to Medicines Program on Twitter: @PCMedsAccess
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