TLLRWDCC could have trucks carrying radioactive waste rumbling through Texas as early as April
Trucks carrying low-level radioactive waste from 38 states could start rolling down Texas highways bound forburial at a dump in Andrews County on the Texas / New Mexico border as early as April,.
The state’s commission (Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission) overseeing disposal of low-level waste in Texas may approve the final rule changes needed this Friday, March 23rd. State lawmakers cleared the way with a new law passed late in the 82nd legislative session and state regulators still need to sign off on the burial site’s construction, but it seems inevitable that Texas is going to become the nation’s radioactive dumping ground.
The Compact Commisson meeting is scheduled to begin at 9am on Friday, March 23rd in the Texas Capitol Extension at 1400 North Congress, Austin, Texas in Hearing Rm. E1.024, We’ve provided the meeting agenda below and encourage any who are interested to attend the hearing.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
3. Introduction of
a. Commissioners
b. Elected Officials
c. Press
4. Public Comment (Note: Pursuant to Article IV, Section Two (c) of the Commission¿s Bylaws, the Commission [subject to such time constraints as may be established by the Chair] also will provide an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the Commission on each item on the agenda during the Commission¿s discussion or consideration of the item.
5. Discussion and possible action with regard to the final adoption of amendments to Rule 675.23 (Importation of Waste from a Non-Compact Generator for Disposal) (31 TAC 675.23) with changes from the proposed amendments to the rule as published in the Texas Register on January 20, 2012 (37 Tex. Reg. 184).
A) Receive and discuss the report of the Rules Committee (Mr. Lee [Chair], Mr. Salsman, Mr. Saudek, and Mr. Wilson) with respect to its deliberations after the publication of the proposed amendments to Rule 675.23 (31 TAC 675.23) as published in the Texas Register on January 20, 2012 (37 Tex. Reg.184).
B) Receive and act on the recommendations of the Rules Committee with respect to
(i) the final adoption (with changes) of proposed amendments to Rule 675.23 (31 TAC 675.23) as published in the Texas Register on January 20, 2012 (37 Tex. Reg. 184); and
(ii) the filing and publication of Rule 675.23 (31 TAC 675.23) as finally adopted in the Texas Register.
6. Discussion and possible action on the following petitions for export: A) South Texas Project B) Vermont Yankee C) Luminant
7. Discussion among Commission members about methods of processing and evaluating applications for Agreements for importation of waste for disposal in accord with Compact Commission Rules and with Texas requirements expressed in Chapter 401 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, including quantities and revenue expectations and including possible action to appoint one or more Committees in connection with the processing of applications for Agreements for importation.
8. Discussion on and possible action on Bionomics Request for Import Agreement.
9. Presentation of Site status report and outlook from Waste Control Specialists Inc.
10. Presentation from Advocates for Responsible Disposal in Texas concerning Compact site use plans and issues.
11. Site status report from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality including discussion of plans for actions on commingling rule change effort and actions on site licensing and disposal site rate case actions.
12. Receive a report from and possibly take action in response on any recommendations from the Committee on the Commingling Rule (Ms. Morris [Chair], Mr. Saudek and Mr.Wilson)
13. Chairman¿s report on Compact Commission activities including reporting on fiscal matters and on status of filling needs for staffing.
14. Discussion and possible action regarding the provisions of existing Compact Commission Rule 675.21(l) (31 TAC 675.21(l)).
15. Determination of date and location of next meeting.
16 Adjourn.