The Energy 202: Trump administration is largely following through on manufacturing group’s “wish list”
Washington Post
By Dino Grandoni
An analysis from Public Citizen, a left-leaning nonprofit consumer rights advocacy group, examined how various government agencies have responded to the 132 requests that the group, the National Association of Manufacturers, submitted to the Trump administration about two months into his presidency.
Public Citizen found just 71 of those requests seemed to actually line up with major government rules on which the Trump administration could take action. Of those, government agencies — such as the Environmental Protection Agency and Interior Department — moved to modifiy, delay or get rid of 60 of them during Trump’s time in office. That’s about 85 percent.
Matt Kent, a regulatory policy associate at Public Citizen who wrote the report, said his work “is strong evidence that our government agencies are working for the corporations they are supposed to be regulating instead of working to protect the public.”