Now Pruitt’s Getting Cozy With Lexus. It’s Time For Him to Go.
June 8, 2018
Now Pruitt’s Getting Cozy With Lexus. It’s Time For Him to Go.
Statement of Madeline Page, Clean Cars Campaign Coordinator, Public Citizen
Note: ABC News reported Friday that Toyota offered U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt a private test drive of the new Lexus model in December while the EPA was considering rolling back the clean car standards. Toyota is the parent company of Lexus.
While Americans are wondering if their kids will have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has shown that his agenda doesn’t include protecting American families. Instead, he’s using his position at the EPA for self-enrichment – and, in the case of the sports car test drive, getting cozy with the very industry he is charged with regulating.
According to reports, while Pruitt sent his staff in search of a Trump Hotel mattress and Ritz-Carlton lotion, he also wanted them to set up a luxury Lexus test drive with Toyota’s lobby team. During this time the administrator also was considering the auto company’s request to roll back clean car standards.
Hardly a week goes by without the public learning of a new, bizarre and corrupt scandal coming from Pruitt while he pushes a deregulatory agenda that presents a danger to public health, consumers and the planet. It’s time for Pruitt to go.