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New Ads: President Biden’s Executive Orders on Climate Put the Public Ahead of Rich CEOs

Public Citizen Launches a New Online Ad Campaign Celebrating Biden’s Actions Halting New Oil and Gas Leasing on Public Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a new online ad campaign, Public Citizen, a non-profit, progressive consumer rights advocacy group and think tank, praises President Joe Biden’s recent executive orders halting new oil and gas leasing on America’s public lands for putting the public interest ahead of the interests of wealthy oil and gas executives. The online ads will run in The Washington Post, The Hill and POLITICO and target members of Congress and their teams on Capitol Hill.


“The Biden administration’s pause of oil and gas and leasing on federal lands and waters is a welcome reversal of Trump-era policies that put fossil fuel CEOs and climate denialists ahead of the public interest. After four years of the Trump administration ransacking our public lands, ignoring the climate crisis, and accelerating the loss of nature and biodiversity, this plan is hopeful news,” explained Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen. “Americans have learned all too well over the past years that the oil and gas industry has had far too much influence in Washington, with the direct result that the federal government has elevated the narrow interests of Big Oil even over the imperative of protecting humanity from the existential threat of catastrophic climate change. The Biden administration must get America off dirty fuels as soon as possible.”