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Immigrants testify: When It Comes to Justice, We Are All United!

Better yet, be a governor. That's what Arnold did!

Phillip Martin has been writing for Burnt Orange Report since he was a wee young thing, and while I wouldn’t call him jaded, he is far from naive about politics and not an overly sentimental sort.  Yet, his post on last night’s testimony by the Dream Activists certainly brought out the idealist in him.  His post starts out:

They were born in Honduras and Mexico, Guatemala and America. They overcame human trafficking and shootings, physical borders and cultural boundaries that told them at every step of the way, “you do not belong here.” But last night, with tales and testimony that brought smiles and laughter to Republicans and Democrats in the House State Affairs Committee, over thirty Dream Act students — better known as Dream Activists — from universities across Texas refused the notion that they do not belong here.

Click here to read Phillip Martin’s blog on last night’s immigration bill hearing.