Government Buys Billions of Dollars of BP Oil
Despite multiple willful transgressions of federal law, BP continues to receive billions of dollars worth of federal contracts and purchases, The Washington Post reported on Monday. In one notable example, the Department of Defense has purchased close to $1 billion worth of petroleum products from BP. Of course, none of this is news to Public Citizen; we called for the Department of Defense to suspend contracts with BP back on June 7 in a letter to President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.
BP has repeatedly shown that it cannot be trusted to act as the American public wishes. It is therefore imperative that the federal government stop rewarding BP with lucrative contracts.
When Congress returns from holiday next week, it is expected to continue discussing barring BP from new oil and gas drilling leases. Lawmakers have yet to discuss suspending fuel purchases by the government. They should do so immediately.
Also, remember to sign our pledge to Boycott BP at and check out our Facebook page, 1,000,000 strong to Boycott BP.