Falsehoods and Scare Tactics Won’t Stop Medicare for All
Statement of Eagan Kemp, Health Care Policy Advocate, Public Citizen
Note: Today, the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s health subcommittee held a hearing titled, “Proposals to Achieve Universal Health Care Coverage,” during which different health care reform efforts were discussed.
All we heard today from Republicans and their witnesses were falsehoods and misleading statistics straight from multibillion-dollar corporations that profit from our broken health care system.
The reality is that the companies that profiteer off our health care system won’t give up without a fight and that is why the American people are continuing to build an overwhelming grassroots movement to fight back against corporate control of our health care.
After the fourth hearing on Medicare for All and other proposals, Medicare for All is clearly the best solution for reform as it is the only policy that would ensure that everyone in the U.S. would get the care they need while bringing down costs for families and the country. Neither a public option, nor other watered-down solutions, will produce the savings we need and would force millions to continue to go without coverage.