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Consumers Should Not Pay for SoCal Gas’ Mismanagement

Sept. 14, 2016

Consumers Should Not Pay for SoCal Gas’ Mismanagement

Statement of Tyson Slocum, Director, Public Citizen’s Energy Program

Note: On Tuesday, SoCal Gas reached a $4 million settlement with California state prosecutors over a 2015 leak that spewed thousands of tons of methane and other chemicals into the air and forced more than 6,000 residents to evacuate Los Angeles area neighborhoods.

The $4 million settlement is barely even a flick on the wrist and lets SoCal Gas off the hook. Failing to inform public officials that a major toxic leak is occurring near where people live is an outrageous breach of human decency. This fine doesn’t hold anyone accountable and should be much bigger. Any fine and safety improvements required by this settlement should contain provisions ensuring that the costs are not passed on to California consumers.
