Letter to OHRP Presenting Results of a National Poll Question Related to the Unethical FIRST and iCOMPARE Trials Comparing Standard and Long Work Schedules for Medical Residents
Public Citizen and the American Medical Student Association again called on the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) to launch formal investigations into the FIRST and iCOMPARE trials and to use its legal authority to suspend the iCOMPARE trial. Allowing the continued unwitting enrollment of tens of thousands of patient subjects in these trials, in the face of national poll data showing that the vast majority of the adult public would want to be informed of this experiment if they were admitted to one of the experimental-group hospitals, would constitute an egregious, knowing disregard for the basic ethical principle of respect for persons.
View our other work related to the unethical FIRST and iCOMPARE trials.