Health Care Delivery
Most Americans agree that health care in the U.S. leaves too many people out, costs too much and does not meet acceptable standards of quality. Much of the care that we get is duplicative, ineffectual, or harmful. At the same time, many tested preventive and therapeutic strategies are woefully underused. Indeed, one study found that U.S. adults receive appropriate care only 55 percent of the time.
Public Citizen has long been a strong advocate for improvements in health care delivery. Our work ranges from fighting for changes to improve patient safety, supporting unbiased medical education, and pushing Congress for a single-payer system. We have therefore published an array of articles on these and related topics which span the gamut from Medicaid and Medicare to national health systems in different countries to comparative effectiveness research.
- Direct-to-Consumer Cardiovascular Disease Screening
- Single-Payer: Health Care for All
- Quality of Care
- Patient Safety and Medical Malpractice
- Blood Supply
- Mental Health Issues
- Health Disparities
- Medicaid
- Medical Education
- Needle Exchange Programs