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BARDA Response to Public Citizen, KEI Letter on Moderna

BARDA Response

On July 31, Public Citizen and Knowledge Ecology International wrote to the Acting Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, asking that he enforce a contractual obligation that required Moderna to disclose how its vaccine candidate was funded. On August 5, Dr. Disbrow responded:


Dear Ms. Ardizzone and Mr Rizvi:

Thank you for your recent letter addressing your concerns with transparency and oversight around the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority’s (BARDA) contract with Moderna. The trust of the American people is vital in the all-of-America response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In recognizing this important relationship, the leadership of BARDA and Operation Warp Speed are committed to remaining transparent with the American people. Accordingly, as products are brought under the BARDA OWS portfolio, we will ensure that public announcements are made in a transparent manner.

The contracting officer responsible for the Moderna contract has been in touch with the company and will ensure their compliance with their contractual requirements.


Gary Disbrow, Ph.D
Acting Director, BARDA
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response