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Trade-Related Job Loss by State

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How many manufacturing jobs have been lost in your state? If you click on your state, you’ll find information about total manufacturing job losses and more. We include data from the U.S. government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) about the overall loss of manufacturing jobs by state – due to both trade and other causes. Moreover, we include estimates from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), a D.C. research group, on the number of additional jobs that could have been supported with balanced trade with China and the NAFTA countries. The three separate measures – from the TAA program, BLS and EPI – help provide a fuller picture of the impact of U.S. trade policy on jobs in your community.

NOTE: The data displayed in each state’s page when the map above is clicked represents net changes in total manufacturing employment and estimates of job loss on a statewide basis. For workplace-specific information from our Trade Adjustment Assistance database, see here.