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Trade Adjustment Assistance Database

TAA is a narrow program, only covering a subset of workers who lose jobs to trade. Just over 1 million specific U.S. workers have been certified under TAA as losing their jobs to NAFTA and, in total, more than 3,200,000 jobs have been certified lost under TAA. However, the TAA program does not provide a comprehensive list of facilities or jobs that have been offshored or lost to import competition. A report by the pro-NAFTA Peterson Institute for International Economics estimated that fewer than 10 percent of workers who lost their jobs in industries facing heavy import competition under NAFTA received assistance under TAA. While the TAA data represent a significant undercount of trade-related job losses, it is the only government program that provides information about job losses officially certified by the U.S. government to be trade related.

The database contains all TAA petitions certified or denied since January 1994, when NAFTA went into effect and the year before the global World Trade Organization went into effect. Please review our guide on how to interpret the data here and the technical documentation here. Learn more about the TAA program here.

Workplaces Certified Under T.A.A. 1994-2020

NOTE: By default, petitions that were denied TAA certification are not included in the search results.

View and download a TAA data spreadsheet for your state here.



To work with a copy of the entire dataset using Excel’s autofilter feature, a database program, or a statistical software environment such as R and for media inquiries on the Trade Data Center, contact Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch here.

For media inquiries on the Trade Data Center, contact Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch here.

The geographic information on this page was generated with the assistance of the Texas A&M Geoservices using the most accurate methodology available. Trade Data Center designed by Travis McArthur.