WCS – A potential bailout without any authorization from the Texas Legislature?
We’ve recently realized that TCEQ allowed stock from Waste Control Specialists (WCS) sister company, Titanium Metals Corp to be put up as the financial assurance for their radioactive waste dump and that stock isn’t performing well right now. So we want to know, where does that leave the state of Texas and its citizens?
We hope to have this addressed at the upcoming Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission (Compact Commission) meetings that are coming up this week.
- Thursday, June 28th 5:30 PM – Joint subcommittee meeting at the Capitol – E1.028 Technical and Legal Committees
(The process for addressing applications is yet to be determined, although the applications could be voted on the next day)
- Friday, June 29th – 9 AM Full Compact Commission Meeting – at the Capitol – E1.028
The Friday meeting should be televised live (but won’t be archived) and will be available for viewing at “Texas legislature online“
Do come to these hearings if you are able.