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Trump’s Censorship Crusade Endangers the Public

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, several government websites appear to have gone dark or had information stripped away, including pages and data sets that provided information on HIV/AIDs, contraception information for health care providers, and demographic breakdowns of heart disease.

Robert Weissman, co-president of Public Citizen, issued the following statement in response:

“The Trumpian Thought Police are denying Americans fact-based information and endangering people’s health and well-being.

“The supposedly anti-censorship co-presidents Trump and Musk care not a whit about First Amendment values. Rather, they want to control people’s access to information as part of a dual agenda of advancing authoritarianism and an extremist, hateful cultural agenda.

“The idea of scrubbing databases on, for example, heart disease death rates by gender, reveals how mindless, extreme and potentially dangerous is the Trump censorship crusade.”