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Project 2025-Inspired Order Rolled Back Following Nationwide Chaos

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the White House announced that the OMB memo issued Tuesday morning ordering a freeze of federal grants and loans has been rescinded.

Lisa Gilbert, co-president of Public Citizen, responded to the news:

“The significant harms implicit in this overreaching order has led to its rollback. The incompetence and cruelty of this order caused nationwide confusion and anxiety, as across the country regular Americans spoke out about the human impacts — the loss of jobs, essential services, and harms to children among many other vulnerable populations — to name only a few. The White House overplayed their hand as they levied this Project 2025-inspired order, and made it clear that they want to sow chaos and gut programs that help families. We will keep up the fight to make sure that does not happen.

“Trump, Musk, Bannon and Vought have tried to create the impression that their agenda is inevitable. It is not. It was defeated this time and it will be again.”