Toothless hospital regulations and other news
Here in Public Citizen’s press office, we’re always keeping an eye out for Public Citizen’s appearance in the media. Here are some recent highlights:
In “K Street, watchdogs praise new lobbying rules” in, David Arkush, director of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division, weighs in on a new White House policy on lobbying and economic stimulus spending.
An excellent editorial in the Tri-Valley Herald, “Put teeth in doctor databank reporting law,” cites our recent report on hospitals and calls for substantial changes to the way hospitals report offending doctors. Read The Detroit Free Press for more on our report.
Speaking of offending doctors, the Herald Tribune reports on allegations of just such a doctor, accused of groping his female patients. Sid Wolfe, M.D., Public Citizen’s acting president and director of our Health Research Group, calls for more oversight.
Our efforts to thwart the unfair use of forced arbitration in housing contracts caught the attention of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Public Citizen’s Taylor Lincoln, explains our work to end the practice, including our recent report.
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