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Three Predictions For Native Advertising In 2017

Three Predictions For Native Advertising In 2017


Ben Plomion

Rules and standards will increase.

In 2016, a majority of publishers weren’t following FTC’s native guidelines. As we move into 2017, that’s not a trend that can continue. Why is this such a problem? 2016 saw federal regulators begin to flex their muscles. Warner Brothers and Lord & Taylor were both reprimanded for their lack of disclosure surrounding sponsored marketing, and these kinds of fines are only going to continue.

To minimize this, Jason Keith, VP/group director, strategy & analysis at Digitas, believes that 2017 will see “a further push towards the standardization of native specifications (IAB standards) and the ways in which we measure campaign success.” Similarly, Steve Katelman, EVP of global strategic partnerships at Omnicom Media Group, says, “Many brands and agencies are working on redefining what ‘engagement’ means,” highlighting that the need for standardization comes from two sides.

Read more: http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2017/01/10/three-predictions-for-native-advertising-in-2017/#1f343affb875