THIS WEEK in the Halls of Power
This week, Congress may only be in session for a few seconds a day here and there (the GOP’s attempt to prevent President Barack Obama from making recess appointments), but Public Citizen is still on the job and burning the midnight oil!
Today, we joined with 68 other groups urging Obama to halt fracking, an issue Public Citizen has been outspoken about for some time. Read the letter, here. Our energy program also will be targeting climate denial ahead of the Iowa GOP presidential candidate debate.
Also today, former U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh (D- Ind.), who has sold out his soul to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in oh-so-hypocritical fashion, will be making one of the first stops of the Chamber’s anti-regulation Snake Oil Tour. Check out the real deal on what he will be peddling here.
On Tuesday, Public Citizen’s Health Research Group turns a critical eye to the failings of one particular state’s medical board. Stay tuned to find out which state!
Also on Tuesday, Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division will be releasing an analysis showing who really is pushing for passage of the REINS Act (H.R. 10), a really bad bill that would require congressional approval of all major regulations issued by federal agencies before those safeguards could take effect. This legislation would cripple the ability of agencies to protect the public, give even more work and responsibility to an overwhelmed Congress, radically reinterpret bedrock principles of our democracy, and allow politics to be substituted for science. See our fact sheet and check back tomorrow for the white paper!
Throughout the week, Public Citizen and allies will be gearing up for a long-awaited day we’ve all been planning for! In the wake of the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC) decision, which gave corporations the ability to spend without limit to influence elections and policy outcomes in our fair democracy, we have been leading the fight to reclaim democracy. If you are on Twitter, follow us at @Public_Citizen. Get on it, because on this Thursday, 8.11.11, it’s coming!
Also on Thursday, be on the look out for a white paper by our resident work safety expert, Justin Feldman, who will underscore just how valuable are regulatory system is.
How’s that for a summer vacation folks?! Haha.