The Midmorning Refill: House's new banking chair says he's there to 'serve the banks'
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The Barkhor in Lhasa, Tibet. Flickr photo by Alex ’77.
If you read one thing today . . .
This is a late entry but this gem from Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.) might very well be the quote of the year. Bachus, the incoming chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, clearly gives a new meaning to the phrase “letting the fox guard the hen house.” Bachus told Mary Orndoff of the Birmingham News , it’s the banks, not Congress that should be calling the shots. This despite the fact it’s those same Wall Street bankers who drove our economy into the ground with their reckless deal making.
Bachus, in an interview Wednesday night, said he brings a “main street” perspective to the committee, as opposed to Wall Street.
“In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be regulated, and my view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the banks,” he said.
He later clarified his comment to say that regulators should set the parameters in which banks operate but not micromanage them.
Kevin Sessums with The Daily Beast interviewed Kevin Spacey about his new film “Casino Jack,” which is about everybody’s favorite disgraced K Street lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Spacey on fact being stranger than fiction:
But these kinds of stories based on real events—like Recount and now Casino Jack—are filled with characters that are so larger than life and the decisions and judgments are so outrageous and the excesses even more outrageous when money and power and influence become such an integral part of the political process. All of that is so crazy that it is inherently funny. You couldn’t f*#king write this shit. It’s far more funny because it is real. We’re not making this stuff up. This shit happened.