Texas House Energy Resources Committee to hear Railroad Commission Sunset Bill on Wednesday, March 27th
The House Energy Resources Committee is scheduled to hear Representative Dennis Bonnen’s bill, HB 2166, relating to the continuation, functions, and name of the Railroad Commission of Texas; providing for the imposition of fees, the repeal of provisions for the suspension of the collection of fees, and the elimination of a fee.
During the 81st interim session, the Texas Railroad Commission underwent a review by the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission. During the 82nd Legislative session, the legislature failed to pass a bill reauthorizing the continuation of the Commission and instead added it to the ombudsman bill that extends an agency temporarily when it fails to get sunset legislation passed. Now that bill is starting to move through the 83rd legislature and the first hearing is scheduled on Wednesday, March 27th starting at 2pm or upon final adjournment or recess of the House in John H. Reagan building on 15th Street between Colorado Street and Congress Avenue in room 120 (JHR 120).
To read the entire bill, click here.
We will keep you posted on this bill as it moves forward.