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Pam Bondi Should Not Be Confirmed as Attorney General

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Wednesday, senators on the Judiciary Committee will vote to confirm or oppose Donald Trump’s nominee Pam Bondi to lead the Department of Justice as U.S. attorney general.

Public Citizen Co-President Lisa Gilbert testified on day two of Bondi’s hearing in opposition to her confirmation. She issued the following statement: 

“Public trust requires public officials to demonstrate unequivocally that they are serving the needs of the American people rather than favoring the powerful and corporate interests. Pam Bondi has not earned that public trust and should not be confirmed by senators as the next U.S. attorney general.   

“Ms. Bondi, in both her confirmation hearing and written responses to senators’ questions this month, repeatedly refused to make a single specific commitment to recuse herself from working on or influencing department decisions that could impact her former lobbying clients. Instead, Ms. Bondi repeatedly deflected senators’ direct questions with a vague response that she would consult with an “appropriate” ethics official and act “consistently” with government regulations.   

“A well-functioning Justice Department should be tough on corporate crime and work to improve the lives of our communities. The ability of the attorney general to represent the interests of the American people must not be compromised by the appearance of a conflict of interest in DOJ decisions made about investigations, contracts and policy.   The American people depend on the Department of Justice to vigorously enforce our laws, hold corporate wrongdoers accountable and protect the rule of law, without fear or favor. Ms. Bondi should not be confirmed.”