Oppose Texas House Bill 2662
UPDATE: HB2662 Passed with an amendment by the author that took all the bad elements out and left reporting by TCEQ in. Thanks for all of you who took action. You made a difference.
The Texas House of Representatives is set to vote on a bill that could allow for the expansion of radioactive waste disposal in Texas.
That’s right – some Texas lawmakers actually want to bring more radioactive waste to our state.
Most states fight to keep such waste from being shipped to their communities, but Texas lawmakers are more worried about helping out the private company that owns the disposal site than protecting Texans.
Waste Control Specialists (WCS) is already deep in debt and looking for a buyout. It defies all reason to let a failing company expand in such a dangerous line of work.
If the company goes bankrupt, Texans will be left to foot the bill for cleaning up or continuing to store this radioactive waste.
Email your Texas state representative now to oppose this bad bill.