Invited Testimony Only at TX Legislative Hearing on ITC Disaster
Public will Speak at Rally Friday Morning
In the past few weeks, the Houston area has experienced three major chemical fires, releasing toxic pollution into the air and water and killing one person. The Texas House Committees on Environmental Regulation and Homeland Security & Public Safety are hosting a “public hearing” this Friday (April 5) about the “ITC incident,” but only allowing invited testimony. That means the people from the Houston area who have been suffering from these disasters don’t get to speak!
So we’re having a rally & press conference to give effected residents space to share their stories. Whether you’re from Deer Park or another part of Houston or just want to stand in solidarity with frontline communities who are being polluted and silenced, we invite you to join us. The rally and press conference will be at 9:30 in the Open-Air Rotunda in the Capitol extension (E2).

The joint hearing will take place at 10:30 AM or upon adjournment of the Texas House of Representatives, at the Texas Capitol in Hearing Room E1.030. Or you can stream the hearing live. Invited Testimony will be allowed from the following (15 minutes each)
- Mr. Toby Baker, Executive Director, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
- Mr. Francisco Sanchez, Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator, Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
- Mr. David Gray, Deputy Regional Administrator for Region 6, US Environmental Protection Agency
- The Honorable Jerry Mouton, Mayor, City of Deer Park, Texas
We have heard there will be a hearing in or near Deer Park after the session. The last day of the regular Texas Legislative session is May 27th.