Do You Trust the Federal Government to Protect Your Community Against Contamination from Radioactive Waste Stored at WCS?
The following sites have had serious radiation leaks:
- The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) site in Kentucky listed as a Superfund site on the National Priorities List (NPL) in 1994.[i]
- The Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State is today America’s most contaminated nuclear site.[ii]
- The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) had a leak after 15 years of operation that took 3 years and $500 million to clean up.[iii]
- The Pantex Plant is the primary United States nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility. Since 2000, $171 million in compensation and medical bills has been disbursed to more than 1,300 workers and families since the energy employees’ compensation program began.[iv]
- Fernald uranium production facility is the site of one of the largest environmental cleanup operations undertaken in U.S. history. It was added to the U.S. EPA’s National Priorities List of Superfund Sites most in need of cleanup in 1989. The cleanup was completed after 28 years and cost $4.4 billion.[v]
- Savannah River Site (SRS) produced tritium, plutonium and other special nuclear materials for national defense and the space program. Past disposal practices caused site contamination. Cleanup efforts have been underway since the 1980s. Site cleanup completion is currently scheduled for 2065.[vi]
- Beatty was the nation’s first federally licensed low-level radioactive waste dump. It opened in 1962 and closed in 1992. In October of 2015, that site caught fire. The commercial operator of the closed radioactive waste dump was troubled over the years by leaky shipments and oversight so lax that employees took contaminated tools and building materials home, according to state and federal records. [vii]
- West Valley Demonstration Project is a nuclear waste remediation project focusing on the cleanup and containment of radioactive waste left behind after the abandonment of a commercial nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in 1980. Despite over 30 years of cleanup efforts and billions of dollars having been spent at the site, the property has been described as New York’s most toxic location in 2013.[viii]
Radioactive exposure can lead to birth defects, cancers or deaths.
Radioactive accidents or leaks can lead to water contamination and billions of taxpayer dollars for never-ending cleanup.
Dangerous radioactive waste could be coming to your community soon. For the health and safety of your children and grandchildren, join us…
Learn more at these Town Hall meetings:
- Wednesday, February 8th, at 7 pm, at the Outlaw Grill, 1007 Main St. Eunice, NM
- Thursday, February 9th at 5 PM, at Martinez Bakery, 206 E. Florida Ave.. Midland, TX
- Thursday, February 9th, at 7 pm, at the Midland Democratic Party,601 S. Main, Midland, TX
- Saturday, February 11th, at 11:30 am at La Hacienda Cafeteria, 421 W. Broadway St., Andrews, TX
Speak out at one or both of the NRC public meetings and request a public hearing: (Open House will be at 6 pm)
- 7-10 p.m. MST, Feb. 13, at the Lea County Event Center, 5101 N. Lovington Highway, Hobbs, N.M.
- 7-10 p.m. CST, Feb. 15, at the James Roberts Center, 855 TX-176, Andrews, Texas.
Find the WCS License Application at and search for Docket ID NRC-2016-0231.
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