Despicable: Trump Puts Vaping Industry Profits Ahead of Kids’ Lives
Statement of Amit Narang, Regulatory Policy Advocate, Public Citizen
President Donald Trump’s decision to politicize public health, bow to industry pressure and block the flavored vape ban is beyond despicable. Flavored vapes are responsible for addicting nearly 5 million middle school and high school students, and failing to regulate e-cigarettes has now claimed at least 42 lives and hospitalized more than 2,100, most of them under age 35. When corporate and ideological interests get a veto over the regulatory process, and when politics is elevated above public health, our kids pay the price.
We need broad, structural reforms to end the corporate capture of our regulatory process, which allows big business undue influence over our watchdogs in government. Health and safety must come before corporate profits – especially when our kids’ lives are on the line.