Big wins for the movement to overturn Citizens United vs. FEC!
We won! Yesterday exceeded our wildest expectations.
The movement for a constitutional amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission (FEC) ruling and related cases is more popular than ever, with 73-80% support from voters on ballot initiatives all over the country to put an end to corporate rule and all the unlimited secret cash that has inundated our airways and mailboxes this election.
These are numbers that would make any political candidate drool.
No one political party has as much support as an amendment. People of all stripes are fed up with big corporations and their wealthy owners trying to buy our elections and burying the debate in misleading and negative ads.
Colorado and Montana are now officially the 10th and 11th states to call for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United!
Colorado’s Amendment 65 passed 74% to 26%. Amendment 65 states that Colorado’s legislative representatives should support federal legislation for campaign finance limits for contributions and spending.
Montana’s Initiative 166 passed 75% to 25%, and asks congressional delegates to support efforts to overrule the Citizens United decision by amending the U.S. Constitution.
Ballot initiatives also passed in Chicago (74% to 26%), San Francisco (81% to 19%) and every Massachusetts district/municipality in which the ballot measure appeared.
A big shout out to Common Cause which also led the ballot initiative efforts in San Francisco and Colorado, and was the key partner with Free Speech for People and local groups in the Montana effort. Amendment advocacy group, Move To Amend, placed 100 town ballot questions before voters yesterday, including the effort in Massachusetts and in several other areas nationwide.
Yesterday, hundreds of Public Citizen Democracy Is For People campaign activists petitioned outside polling locations across the country to build local grassroots Democracy Teams and continue build the movement.
The people are ready to act. And Public Citizen’s Democracy Is For People Campaign, with your help, is getting ready for the next round of local, state and student campaigns.
Sign up to get involved and learn about exciting events nearby activists are planning for the upcoming three-year anniversary of the Citizens United vs. FEC ruling.
Aquene Freechild, senior organizer for Public Citizen’s Democracy Is For People campaign. Follow @RuleByUs for more on the movement to pass a constitutional amendment to put an end to #Democracy4Sale!