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China Released Stricter Online Advertising Regulations

China Released Stricter Online Advertising Regulations


Herzog Fox & Neeman

China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce has issued new regulations governing email advertising, paid search results and embedded links, as well as images and videos that advertise goods or services.

The new regulations, which enter into force on 1 September 2016, provide regulatory guidelines to protect against false or misleading practices. They also forbid online advertisements for prescription medication and tobacco, and require prior government approval for advertisements for medical supplies, pesticides, veterinary medicine and other health products. Moreover, according to the new regulations, advertisers who know about illegal advertisement contents, should delete them or stop their display. Additionally, the new regulations include a requirement that all paid advertising be clearly discovered in search results, and that search companies restrict ad results to 30% of each search results page.

Read more: http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=7bc1626a-ac99-4979-8f88-d557864c48c9