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Abbott’s Wildfire Response Proposal Is Barely Half Right

Texas governor’s State of the State Address lets state regulators off the hook in the wake of Panhandle fires

AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Gov. Greg Abbott missed the mark in his Sunday night State of the State Address by ignoring prevention strategies in his proposed response to last year’s record-breaking wildfires. In doing so, the governor absolved the state’s oil and gas regulator and the Public Utility Commission (PUC) of Texas of responsibility for future fires.

The Panhandle Wildfires, which started burning a year ago this month, were the largest recorded in Texas history, burning more than 1 million acres and killing three people. A legislative investigative committee report determined the Smokehouse Creek fire was sparked when a brittle oilfield utility pole broke and fell on dry grass. The same committee recommended charging the Railroad Commission of Texas – which regulates the oil and gas industry – and the PUC with the responsibility to oversee oilfield power equipment. Adrian Shelley, Texas director of Public Citizen, issued the following statement:

“Gov. Abbott is correct in asking for more and better equipment for firefighters, and the Texas Legislature must make it happen. Unfortunately, this legislative proposal will help only after the flames start. By then, human lives may already be lost, property destroyed and livelihoods ruined. The Texas House’s investigative report was clear: the Railroad Commission and Public Utility Commission can and should hold irresponsible oilfield operators accountable for poorly maintained equipment that could spark fires. The PUC needs more authority to ensure that local utility operators inspect poles and wires to repair problems before they lead to disaster. The honor system isn’t working. Give state regulators the tools and the funding they need to fix this problem. Otherwise, it will only get worse.”