WTO Statements;
- Featured Article: “Obama’s Choice” – December 2009 Lori Wallach article in The Nation
- Featured Article: “Cooling the Planet Without Chilling Trade” November 2009 Washington Post Op-ed (coauthored by Lori Wallach and Peterson Institute Director Fred Bergsten)
- (12/02/09) President Obama Needs to Replace Doha Round Agenda With WTO Turnaround Plan – Public Citizen Statement
- (4/03/09) G-20’s Bizarre Contradiction: We All Pledge to Re-Regulate Financial Services… and Further De-Regulate Financial Services (PDF)
- (2/28/08) Presidential Candidates’ Key Proposals on Health Care and Climate Will Require WTO Modifications (PDF)
- (5/30/06) Final Hong Kong Ministerial Text: Annotated by GTW Director Lori Wallach (PDF)
- (12/19/05) Statement by GTW Director Lori Wallach Upon the Conclusion of the Hong Kong Ministerial (PDF)