WTO Memoranda
- (1/13/12) Considerations for U.S. in Appellate Body Review of Lower Panel Clove Cigarettes Ruling
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- (1/05/12) Considerations for U.S. in Appellate Body Review of Lower Panel WTO Tuna-Dolphin Ruling
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- (1/05/12) Considerations for U.S. in Appellate Body Review of Lower Panel WTO COOL Ruling
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- (1/4/10) WTO Documents Reveal that Doha Round Would Further Financial Deregulation, In Contradiction to G-20 Call for Reregulation
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- (1/4/10) WTO Documents Reveal that Doha Round Would Further Financial Deregulation, In Contradiction to G-20 Call for Reregulation
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- (6/22/09) Reporters’ Memo: Is the Obama Administration Working With the EU and Canada to Block Real Reform at This Week’s UN Financial Crisis Summit?
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- (3/30/09) G-20 Summit: Will Leaders Address Existing WTO Rules That Stymie Necessary Re-Regulation of Financial Services, Reject WTO Doha Round’s Agenda of Further Financial Service Deregulation?
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- (2/5/09) Reporter Memo – Buy America Brouhaha: What Are the EU and Canada Hollering About? Their WTO Procurement Exceptions Are (Wisely) Much Broader Than U.S. Stimulus Proposal
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- (11/12/08) Reporter Memo – Elimination of WTO’s Radical Financial Service Deregulation Requirements Must Be Addressed at Nov. 15 Summit
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- (7/17/08) Reporter Memo: Next Week’s Bizarre WTO Mini-Ministerial
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- (2/13/07) Sunset of Fast Track could Avoid Increase in World Poverty: reports from World Bank, Tufts University, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Point to Net Losses for Poor Countries from Conclusion of Doha Round WTO Escalation
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