Public Citizen July 1 Answer to New England Ratepayers Assn Attack on Solar
Public Citizen reveals NERA's member Geoffrey Mitchell has financial ties to electric utilities
By Tyson Slocum
Public Citizen reveals in a July 1 FERC filing that New England Ratepayers Association member Geoffrey Mitchell is President of an energy company that works on behalf of electric utilities. This undermines NERA’s credibility as an organization representing ratepayer interests. Rather, just as Public Citizen stated in our June 15 Motion to Dismiss, NERA is using the fake moniker of a ratepayer protection group to mask its true financial interests behind its Petition. NERA’s false representation exploits the Commission’s hereto permissive filing standards, while actively concealing and misleading the Commission about the financial interests that NERA claims to represent. NERA’s pretense represents a hazard to the public interest. The Commission must dismiss the NERA Petition. A link to Public Citizen’s July 1 Answer is here: