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Protest of Mexico Pacific LNG Exports

By Tyson Slocum

Today in U.S. Department of Energy docket 22–167–LNG, Public Citizen protests the application of Mexico Pacific to export U.S. produced natural gas to its planned LNG terminal on Mexico’s west coast to export to Asian markets.

The application must be denied because it is not consistent with the public interest. Both the applicant and the Department of Energy rely on an obsolete and discredited 2018 macroeconomic study that fails to accurately measure the disruptive impact record natural gas exports are having on U.S. energy markets; the 2018 study assumes economic benefits from the construction and operation of LNG export terminals on U.S. soil and not in Mexico; and the project’s orientation towards the Chinese rather than European markets undermines global energy security and violates the public interest. DOE must reject the application. Furthermore, a single U.S. Senator―unable to achieve his legislative objective of eliminating the public interest standard―appears to unduly influence DOE’s statutory obligations and undermines Public Citizen’s rights as an intervenor in this proceeding.

Read the full protest here: Mexico Pacific