Illinois Division of Professional Regulation
2006 Report on Doctor Disciplinary Information on State Web Sites
Illinois Board Report Card
Name of board:
Illinois Division of Professional Regulation
Type of board:
Board Website(s):
Total Score:
38.8 out of 100*
44 out of 65
Breakdown of State Score
Physician-Identifying Information
8.6 out of 15
Date of birth0.0
License number0.8
License status (active/inactive)1.9
Specialty verified0.0
State Disciplinary Action Information10.5 out of 17.5
Date of action1.3
Board action1.3
Actual board order0.0
Summary of board action0.9
Number of open investigations0.0
Newsletter, board minutes, or other list of actions0.7
Actions available for physicians without an active license0.4
Actions taken by other states0.0
Regular update schedule is clearly stated on web site0.0
Update posted within 2 weeks of each Board meeting0.0
Emergency disciplinary actions posted before next regularly scheduled updated0.0
Archives of at least 1 year1.5
Archives of at least 5 years1.8
Length of time that actions are archived is stated clearly1.1
Hospital Disciplinary Actions0.0 out of 15
- Web site states hospital actions listed0.0
- Hospital actions verified/from original source0.0
- Offense0.0
- Date0.0
- Action0.0
- Actual order0.0
- Summary of order0.0
Malpractice Information0.0 out of 10
- Web site states malpractice payouts0.0
- Some malpractice information0.0
- All malpractice payouts0.0
- Amount of all malpractice payouts0.0
- Malpractice information verified/from outside source0.0
- Archives present0.0
Conviction Information0.0 out of 7.5
- Web site states conviction information0.0
- Conviction verified/from convicting authority0.0
- Number of criminal convictions/no contest pleas0.0
- Some felony/misdemeanor information0.0
- All felony/misdemeanor information0.0
- Details of convictions0.0
Federal Disciplinary Actions0.0 out of 7.5
- Web site states Federal disciplinary actions0.0
- Medicare offense0.0
- Medicare date of action0.0
- Medicare action0.0
- Medicare actions verified/from original source0.0
- FDA offense0.0
- FDA date of action0.0
- FDA action0.0
- FDA actions verified/from original source0.0
- DEA offense0.0
- DEA date of action0.0
- DEA action0.0
- DEA actions verified/from original source0.0
Medical Board Web Site Search Capabilities14.6 out of 22.5
- Search by physician name6.2
- Search by location0.0
- Search by license number1.1
- Search by specialty0.0
- Search by hospital affiliation0.0
- Results can be obtained with only one search7.3
Other Web Site Items5.0 out of 5
- State statutes and rules for MDs available0.9
- Complaint form provided2.8
- Consumer FAQ or similar explanation of site available1.4
Note that slight differences in totals are due to rounding *READ an explanation of the grading system
Recommendations for Illinois
- The physician profile should include the doctor’s date of birth.
- The physician profile should include the doctor’s specialty.
- The physician profile should be independently verified by an outside source.
- The state disciplinary action should include the actual board order.
- The board should specify the number of state investigations open for relevant doctors.
- The site should include actions taken by other states.
- The site should state how regularly it updates board orders.
- The site should post updates within 2 weeks of each board meeting.
- The site should post emergency disciplinary actions even sooner than regular actions.
- The state should provide hospital disciplinary action information.
- The state should provide information on malpractice payouts.
- The state should provide information on criminal convictions.
- The state should provide information on federal disciplinary actions.
- The site should permit a search by the physician’s location.
- The site should permit a search by the physician’s specialty.
- The site should permit a search by the physician’s hospital affiliation.
This board did not respond to any requests for clarification of our survey Data current as of May 4, 2006