Why Everyone Is Upset With Kim Kardashian's Latest #SponCon
Why Everyone Is Upset With Kim Kardashian’s Latest #SponCon
Refinery 29
Morgan Baila
Fresh off of Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi ad backlash, Kim Kardashian is boldly opening up a Pandora’s box of her own in terms of botched advertisements. Back in the earlier days of social media (Oh, how I miss these times), there was not a lot of sponsored content being pushed by celebrities day-in and day-out. The Bachelor contestants couldn’t upload pictures of teeth whiteners in exchange for thousands of dollars. And Kardashian couldn’t get away with endorsing and promoting a prescription medication without sharing the proper warnings that go along with it.
But now, nearly two years later, Kardashian is back promoting the medicine, Diclegis, once again — this time with one of the most obnoxiously lengthy captions and disclaimers of all-time. Commenters on her Instagram photo are freaking out over the picture’s editing (you’ll see why) as well as the thirstiness of the reality star to sell the same product yet again. She’s not even pregnant (the medicine soothes morning sickness), which makes the timing even more bizarre.