WEDNESDAY: Sen. Bernie Sanders to Speak at National Day of Action Against Jay Clayton, Trump’s Nominee for SEC Chair
March 21, 2017
WEDNESDAY: Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to Speak at National Day of Action Against Jay Clayton, Trump’s Nominee for SEC Chair
Rallies in Nevada and Washington, D.C., Will Draw Advocates Calling on Senators to Reject Jay Clayton
WHAT: Rally outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C., urging the U.S. Senate to reject Jay Clayton’s nomination to chair the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The rally is part of a national day of action hosted by the Resist The Hostile Takeover coalition, led by Our Revolution, Public Citizen, CREDO, Allied Progress, Take On Wall Street, Center for Popular Democracy and others. Activists also will deliver petitions to members of the Senate Banking Committee, which will hold a hearing to consider Clayton’s nomination on Thursday.
The Our Revolution Nevada chapter, along with For Our Future, is hosting a rally with unions and activist organizations in Las Vegas at U.S. Sen. Dean Heller’s (R-Nev.) office to urge Heller to oppose the nomination.
The groups involved in the effort launched a concerted campaign to oppose Clayton’s nomination to be chair of the SEC, citing Clayton’s massive and unavoidable conflicts of interest and cozy relationship with Wall Street that raise grave doubts about his commitment to protecting investors. Clayton’s nomination signals that President Donald Trump is putting Wall Street ahead of hard-working Americans in what amounts to a hostile takeover of our country’s future. With Clayton’s nomination, Trump has proven once again that his campaign promises were empty, and instead he is putting the economy back in the hands of the very people who caused and profited from the financial crisis.
WHO: U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)
Jeff Weaver – president, Our Revolution; former campaign manager, Bernie Sanders for President
U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley – (D-Ore.)
Robert Weissman – president, Public Citizen
Anthony Thomas – food service worker, Dirksen Senate Office Building
Alba Morales – cashier and food service worker, Dirksen Senate Office Building
Kurt Walters – campaign director, Demand Progress
Dan Mauer – legislative representative, Communications Workers of America
Morris Pearl – board chair, Patriotic Millionaires
WHEN: 2:00 p.m. ET, Wednesday, March 22
WHERE: Lawn of the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol (across Constitution Avenue from the Russell Senate Office Building)
RSVP: For media interested in attending the event, please email