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Was Icahn’s Self-Dealing Illegal? Let’s Find Out.

Nov. 8, 2017

Was Icahn’s Self-Dealing Illegal? Let’s Find Out.

Statements From Public Citizen Experts

Note: Today, federal investigators issued subpoenas seeking information on Carl Icahn’s efforts to change biofuel policy while serving as an informal adviser to President Donald Trump on regulatory affairs. In March, Public Citizen filed a complaint alleging that Icahn’s activities may have violated federal lobbying laws.

“Carl Icahn made a play for what might have been the greatest single self-dealing public plunder in American history. Absolutely, federal prosecutors should be investigating what he did and what he tried to do.”

– Robert Weissman, president, Public Citizen

“It is welcome news that prosecutors are investigating Icahn’s corrupting influence over commodity markets and regulatory policy under President Donald Trump. Our complaint earlier this year raised the question of whether Trump’s appointment of Icahn as his regulatory czar – and Icahn’s actions in that capacity – was not only improper but illegal.”

– Tyson Slocum, director, Public Citizen’s energy program
