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Trump’s Initial Budget Offering Would Emaciate Public Services and Protections

Trump’s Initial Budget Offering Would Emaciate Public Services and Protections

Statement of Lisa Gilbert, Director, Public Citizen’s Congress Watch Division

President Donald Trump’s preliminary budget numbers, like his Cabinet and his deregulatory agenda, look like a corporate robber baron wish list. According to press reports, his proposal contains $54 billion in cuts to environmental protections, international diplomacy efforts and more in order to pay for dramatic and unjustified increases in military spending. While we are still reviewing the details, it is clear that Trump’s proposed budget would emaciate public services and protections, endangering American workers, consumers and families.

This isn’t what he campaigned on, and it isn’t what the voters asked for. Congress should push back on this proposal, and Trump’s eventual budget should reflect the will of the people. In addition, any eventual budget package should be implemented in a clean fashion through the normal appropriations process without tacking on toxic policy riders.
