Today’s Nationwide Pro-Impeachment Mobilizations Surge to More Than 200,000 RSVPs in More Than 600 Communities and in All 50 States and D.C.
‘Nobody Is Above the Law’ Events Happening as House Gears Up for Historic Impeachment Vote on Wednesday
WASHINGTON, D.C. – More than 600 “Nobody Is Above the Law” mobilizations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia are being organized by more than 100 organizations today and this evening, a day before the U.S. House of Representatives votes whether to impeach President Donald Trump. Overnight, grassroots activist interest to rally in support of impeachment surged to more than 200,000 sign-ups at
Over the past three weeks, members of the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have built a case against Trump from the testimony and public comments of national security officials and diplomats. These nonpartisan career officials have observed the president attempting to extract personal political concessions from Ukraine in exchange for approved taxpayer military aid and an Oval Office meeting.
Today, the eve of the House vote, protesters will gather in front of the district offices of House members as lawmakers finalize their positions. They also will gather at U.S. Senate offices and other locations, as senators prepare for a likely trial. Activists will call on lawmakers to uphold the U.S. Constitution and their oaths of office by supporting Trump’s impeachment.
What will these events look like? Here’s a snapshot of a few:
- New York City: The event features a rally in Times Square and a march down Broadway with a “Remove Trump” banner at the front and aerial views of a large banner with an excerpt of the impeachment clause of the Constitution.
- Mountain Home, Ark.: “Defend Democracy” will be projected on the historic courthouse behind speakers at a rally.
- Boston: Former Republican Gov. Bill Weld will be among speakers; 2,000 have RSVPed.
- Roseburg, Ore.: Eight-foot tall letters will spell out “Impeach and Remove” on the city’s main street.
- Red Oak, Iowa: In U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst’s hometown, local attorneys and elected officials will lay out the constitutional argument for Trump’s impeachment and removal.
- Rochester, N.Y.: 700+ activists have RSVPed to gather with whistles and lanterns to “blow the whistle” on Trump’s impeachable offenses.
The evidence is overwhelming that Trump pressured Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 elections, using U.S. military aid and a White House meeting to extort Ukrainian officials into manufacturing fake dirt on Trump’s political opponent. He then engaged in a criminal cover-up, obstructing Congress, defying lawful subpoenas, blocking witnesses from testifying and concealing evidence.
While Congress continues its work on health care, the economy and other important issues, it also needs to continue these impeachment proceedings. Nobody – including the president – is above the law, and Trump’s corruption and abuse of power represent an ongoing and imminent threat to the integrity of the 2020 elections.
Americans from Beckley, W.Va., to Yuma, Ariz., from Juneau, Alaska, to Fargo, N.D. to Cape Coral, Fla., are ready to amplify the need to impeach, hold their representatives accountable and declare that not even the president is above the law.
Activists who want to get involved can RSVP for an #impeachmenteve “Nobody Is Above the Law” event via or participate in a town hall or rally in their district.
The Nobody Is Above the Law actions are organized by more than 100 organizations: ACRONYM,, Action Group Network, Action Indivisible, Avaaz Bend the Arc, Jewish Action, Blue Future, BlueWaveNJ, By The People, Center for American Progress, Center for Popular Democracy, Central Texas MoveOn, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Coalition to Preserve, Protect & Defend, Common Defense, Concord Indivisible, CREDO Action, CREW, Daily Kos, Defend American Democracy, Demand Justice, DemCast, DemCastUSA, Democracy 21, Democracy for America, Demos, Dinuba Democratic Club. Equal Justice Society, Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus, Free Speech For People, Georgia Alliance for Social Justice, Greenpeace, Herd on the Hill, Impeachment March – Worldwide, Indivisible, Indivisible Chicago Alliance, Indivisible Georgia Coalition, Indivisible St Johns, FL, Indivisible Topeka, Kansas, Indivisible York, Indivisible NWIL Crystal Lake, Institute for More Positive Energy And Compassionate Healthcare, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Lewis-Clark 4 Democracy, Lower Cape Indivisible: United in Hope, Mainers for Accountable Leadership, March For Truth, MAYDAY America, Mijente,, Mountain Dems of Colorado, Move to Remove,, NAACP, National Action Network, National Action Network – LGBTQ & Veteran’s Committee, National Domestic Workers Alliance, National Organization of Women, National Partnership for Women & Families, Need To Impeach, NextGen America, OWS Special Projects Affinity Group, PDA-CA, People For the American Way, People’s Action, The People’s Consortium, Poder Latinx, Progressive Democrats Of America, Progressive Turnout Project, Public Citizen, RepresentUs WNY, Resistbot, SEIU, Sierra Club, SOSAmerica2019, South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco, STAND Central New Jersey, Stand Up America, Strong Economy For All Coalition, Torah Trumps Hate, UltraViolet, United We Dream, Vigil for Democracy, Voto Latino, United for Democracy Now, Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation, Women’s March.