'The laws must be followed': City issues warning to L.A. school districts considering digital billboards
‘The laws must be followed’: City issues warning to L.A. school districts considering digital billboards
Los Angeles Times
Howard Blume
The Los Angeles city attorney has told local school district officials that installing commercial billboards on school property would violate city law.
Although school districts, including L.A. Unified, have broad latitude over land-use matters — sometimes trumping city authority — the rules of the city prevail in this situation, City Atty. Mike Feuer said in a statement in response to news that the school district was exploring the idea of putting up a billboard at Hollywood High School.
“The principal decided not to pursue this. So it’s dead for right now anyway,” said L.A. Unified General Counsel David Holmquist. “We would never knowingly violate the law so we appreciate the city attorney’s input.”
Read more: http://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-edu-la-opposes-school-billboards-20161207-story.html