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Supporters of Breaux Plan Rack Up Most HealthDollars


Supporters of Breaux Plan Rack Up Most HealthDollars

Senate and House members of the National Bipartisan Medicare Commission received a total of $745,000 from the pharmaceutical and health services industry — $448,000 from pharmaceutical interests and $297,000 from the health services industry. These totals include contributions to Senators over the last six-year election cycle (1993-1998) and contributions to House members in the 1997-1998 cycle.

Contributions to members of the Medicare Commission from these industries went overwhelmingly to members supporting the Breaux plan. Of the total $745,000 contributed by these two industries, $686,000 (92%) went to those supporting the Breaux plan, while those opposing the Breaux plan collected just $59,000 (8%).

Pharmaceutical interests contributed a total of $448,000 to Members of the Commission — $397,000 (89%) to those supporting the Breaux plan and $51,000 (11%) to those against. The health services industry contributed a total of $297,000 — $289,000 (97%) to those supporting the Breaux plan and just $8,000 (3%) to those opposing the Breaux plan.

PAC and Individual Campaign Contributions to Senate and Congressional Members of the Medicare Commission*

Pharmaceutical Industry

Health Services Industry/HMOs

Total Amount

Senator John Breaux




Senator Bill Frist




Senator Phil Gramm




Senator J. Robert Kerrey




Rep. Michael Bilirakis




Rep. Bill Thomas




Senator John Rockefeller IV




Rep. John Dingell




Rep. James McDermott









* Figures derived from Federal Election Commission reports and by the Center forResponsive Politics (www.crp.org). Figures for Senators include PAC and individualcontributions over the last six-year cycle (1993-1998); figures for House Members are forthe 1997-1998 election cycle. “Health Services Industry” includes all HealthMaintenance Organizations (HMOs) and other outpatient health services.

PAC and Individual Campaign Contributions to Senate and Congressional Members of the Medicare Commission*

Pharmaceutical Industry

Health Services Industry/HMOs

Total Amount

Supporting Breaux Plan




Opposing Breaux Plan






